Ajax Valley Dental

Tooth Extractions in Ajax, ON

Tooth Extractions Near You

Our dental professionals understand that your smile is an important part of your appearance. Our primary goal is to treat and preserve natural teeth whenever possible. However, there are scenarios when teeth extraction is the best option for your oral health. Only in these circumstances will our dentists recommend extraction to our patients. We perform simple extractions and wisdom teeth extractions at our dental clinic in Ajax​.

What to Expect During a Tooth Extraction

A tooth extraction is a routine procedure that requires profound anesthesia to ensure patients are comfortable and pain-free throughout. Our tooth extraction dentist near you will ensure you are comfortable and relaxed during your appointment and provide post-operative instructions for at-home care. Once a tooth is removed, the surrounding teeth can shift over time. Our dentists will discuss restoration options with you to replace your removed tooth or teeth and support the rest of your jaw.

Will Tooth Extraction Hurt?

During extractions in ajax. our dentists numb the surrounding teeth and gums to ensure our patients do not experience pain or discomfort. Afterwards, you’ll be given instructions for post-operative care to ensure a smooth recovery and full healing. If the thought of teeth extraction makes you anxious, talk to our dentists about whether you are a candidate for sedation dentistry, which can help manage fear and anxiety.

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Take Care Of Your Oral Health & Book Your Dental Hygiene Appointment Today.
