Ajax Valley Dental

Oral Surgery in Ajax, ON

Oral Surgery Near You

Most dental procedures that are performed in-house by our experienced dentists are routine. However, when our dentists diagnose a complex condition, an expert oral surgeon will be called in either as a consultant or you’ll be referred to their office. At Ajax Valley Dental , we only work with dental surgery specialist in ajax we know and trust to ensure our patients get quality dental care.

What Do Oral Surgeons Do?

Most common dentistry treatments involve routine procedures that our dentists are qualified and experienced in performing. For difficult conditions, such as impacted wisdom teeth, jaw corrections, and the removal of oral lesions, specialized techniques and tools may be required that only a qualified oral surgeon can provide.

When Is Oral Surgery Needed?

If you experience pain in your teeth, mouth, or the surrounding areas, see your dentist at Ajax Valley Dental first. Tooth pain can often be treated by routine procedures that our dental professionals can provide. If your condition is complicated to diagnose or the procedure requires specialized treatment, we will refer you to our partner oral surgeon for examination and treatment in Ajax.

When was your last visit?

Take Care Of Your Oral Health & Book Your Dental Hygiene Appointment Today.
