Ajax Valley Dental

Dental Guards And Appliances in Ajax, ON

Dental Guards And Appliances Near You

Did you know that you can do more to protect your teeth than just maintaining regular dentist office visits and at-home cleaning? Dental appliances can help protect your teeth during activity as well. If you grind your teeth while you sleep, you’ll cause surprising damage to your teeth over time. If you’re involved in sports with high impact or contact, you should always wear a mouth guard to protect both your teeth and gums. Ask our dentists about custom-fitted night guards and sports mouth guards.

Night Guards

If you’re a nighttime tooth grinder or jaw clencher, night guards can save your teeth from long-term damage. A professionally made, custom-fitted night guard can help you sleep better at night and wake up without pain in the morning. You’ll find a custom-fitted night guard from a dentist to be noticeably more comfortable and durable than a store-bought version. Plus, your investment will help prevent broken teeth in the future and symptoms like headaches and jaw pain in the present.

Sports Mouth Guards

Protecting your teeth and gums during contact sports is important in order to prevent chips, cracks, or even dislodged teeth. Over-the-counter mouth guards can be uncomfortable, which is why our dental professionals recommend a dentist-issued, custom-fitted mouthguard. Ask our dentists about getting fitted for a custom sports mouth guard today!


Retainers are typically used during the final phase of orthodontic treatment to maintain the results achieved. They ensure your teeth remain in their corrected positions. A proper fit is crucial for a retainer, as consistent wear is necessary. Our high-quality retainers are designed to be durable, aesthetically pleasing, and comfortable to wear.

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